From the Disco to the Living Room Couch...
I wasn't looking for a relationship.
I was at point in my life where I was getting over a failed relationship, and I was enjoying spending time on my own without any attachments.
I had returned to my parents' house. What can I say? I'm Cuban! A man in his early 30's moving back home doesn't have the same negative connotations among Hispanics as it does in American culture. Although, Millennials may be changing that stigma!
Even so, there was always a bit of what Dorothy Day would call, the long loneliness (Granted, Day was referring to God, but I didn't know it at the time). There was always something amiss, a feeling of melancholy and emptiness that regularly accompanied me.
I was at point in my life where I was getting over a failed relationship, and I was enjoying spending time on my own without any attachments.
I had returned to my parents' house. What can I say? I'm Cuban! A man in his early 30's moving back home doesn't have the same negative connotations among Hispanics as it does in American culture. Although, Millennials may be changing that stigma!
Even so, there was always a bit of what Dorothy Day would call, the long loneliness (Granted, Day was referring to God, but I didn't know it at the time). There was always something amiss, a feeling of melancholy and emptiness that regularly accompanied me.