My Daughter, Confession and Humility...
"So, if God knows everything, why do we have to confess to a priest?" my daughter asked in frustration after having gone to Confession for the first time face-to-face; that is, for the first time since her first Sacrament of Reconciliation in second grade and, that time, it was with a Polish priest with a heavy accent, who she couldn't understand!
I remember asking her what the priest had told her since he was apparently giving her valuable words of wisdom as she was sitting attentively in front of him to the left rear of the altar, as other kids were finishing their Confession with other priests before her. "I don't know," she answered with a smile on her face. "But he gave me absolution!" We all had a great laugh.
I remember asking her what the priest had told her since he was apparently giving her valuable words of wisdom as she was sitting attentively in front of him to the left rear of the altar, as other kids were finishing their Confession with other priests before her. "I don't know," she answered with a smile on her face. "But he gave me absolution!" We all had a great laugh.