Meant to Fly...
During a homily several months ago, our parish priest told a story that got everyone's attention, including my kids.
It's a parable written by a 19th century Danish theologian and philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, about a town where only ducks lived.
He said that every Sunday, the ducks waddled out of their duck homes and down to their duck church.
They waddled into their pews, as the duck choir sang and the duck pastor read from the duck sacred scriptures.
The duck pastor told them, "Ducks, God has given you wings! With these wings you can fly! With these wings you can rise up and soar like eagles! No walls can confine you, no fences can hold you.
It's a parable written by a 19th century Danish theologian and philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, about a town where only ducks lived.
He said that every Sunday, the ducks waddled out of their duck homes and down to their duck church.
They waddled into their pews, as the duck choir sang and the duck pastor read from the duck sacred scriptures.
The duck pastor told them, "Ducks, God has given you wings! With these wings you can fly! With these wings you can rise up and soar like eagles! No walls can confine you, no fences can hold you.