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Speaking from the heart... |
He's funny. He's charismatic. He's passionate, entertaining and his extensive biblical insight and communication skills are unquestionable. And they shouldn't be.
The dynamic priest specializes in reaching young people in universities throughout the United States, as head of the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, speaking engagements and his work on social media.
He creates short videos, about five to ten minutes long, on topics ranging from the Meaning of Suffering, Aren't All Churches the Same and Why do Bad Things Happen to Can I get a Tattoo, Batman v. Superman and Will My Pet Be in Heaven and anything in between. He has over 200 videos (You can check them out here).
Yet, he's more than just a teacher. He captivates, provokes and inspires. To top it off, he's blessed with Hollywood good-looks and a Midwestern humility.
This particular talk below, which he delivered at the SEEK Conference in Nashville, Tennessee to college students in 2015, is a bit on the long side. I discovered it after listening to Fr. Mike mention it on a recent radio show he was on. The title peaked my interest: "The Hour That Will Change Your Life."
It's hard to find the time in today's whirlwind life we live to listen to a priest talk on a video. Let's face it, when a priest surpasses the fifteen minute mark in his homily at Mass, some parishioners start getting restless and twenty minutes might draw arguing and grumbling like the Jews in the sixth chapter of John's Gospel. But, let me tell you, after listening to this 45-minute talk, I was glad I did. By the end of it, I had tears in my eyes. It's that powerful.
The thing is that if we can understand what a true personal relationship with Christ is meant to be, then we can start to understand what our relationship with others is meant to be, especially our spouse, whose one flesh relationship between husband and wife, St. Paul compares to that of Christ and His Church in his Letter to the Ephesians (Chapter 5).
I won't spoil it. I just want you to take the time to watch and listen, as I did last Friday and have two more times since.
I know, I know. We don't have time. Yet, we take the time to fill our heads with so much mundane and mind-numbing nonsense on social media and TV every day. I know because I spend way too many hours in front of the boob tube watching Mets games, binge-watching Vikings episodes or trying to watch Deadpool for the umpteenth time, which I'm forced to turn off whenever the kids get home (I guess the lesson that's not filtering is that if it's morally objectionable for my kids to watch, it might be less than appropriate for me to watch as well)!
So, why not take the time to fill our hearts and spirits with something that may change your life?
And please, share your thoughts with me in the comments box when you do. Was it as powerful for you as it was for me? I sure hope so...
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