Courage, Trust and Riding a Bike...
"Do you know what courage is?" I asked my 8-year-old son in frustration, after repeatedly trying to get him to trust that I wouldn't let go of his bike seat if he started pedaling. "It's when you're afraid but you do it anyway."
"Everybody is afraid of something," I continued, "But courage means you trust in God and do it anyway." (Pot up the Hoosiers or Rudy theme song here!)
Except, the record player would play a few promising and uplifting notes, before sounding like the needle scratching across vinyl (Did I just date myself?). My son looked at me blankly (like if asking internally, "What the hell is he talking about?"), pedaled once, and put his foot down. He just wouldn't trust me!
Our younger daughter, who is 11, gave it a shot.
"Everybody is afraid of something," I continued, "But courage means you trust in God and do it anyway." (Pot up the Hoosiers or Rudy theme song here!)
Except, the record player would play a few promising and uplifting notes, before sounding like the needle scratching across vinyl (Did I just date myself?). My son looked at me blankly (like if asking internally, "What the hell is he talking about?"), pedaled once, and put his foot down. He just wouldn't trust me!
Our younger daughter, who is 11, gave it a shot.