After winning their first game, following an 0 and six start, the New York Giants are probably feeling more like David than Goliath these days, just two years removed from a Super Bowl Championship.

Yet, if, as the saying goes, "Hope springs eternal," even as Autumn turns to Winter, at least in the hearts and minds of some of the Giants' players and coaches, and since the rest of the NFC Eastern Division is not exactly setting the world on fire, then it is especially the case for players like third-year cornerback Prince Amukamara, who have more than just the hope of optimistic fervor to play for but for one of eternal consequence.   

Amukamara is a devout Catholic who unabashedly lives his faith in the public arena.

In one of my all-time favorite songs (which is not saying much according to my 12-year-old daughter, who says every other "old" song is one of my favorites!), David Bowie’s Space Oddity, an astronaut named Major Tom is blasted into space on a wing and a prayer, sort of speak, with only some protein pills, a helmet and a “May God’s love be with you” farewell and soon finds himself “floating in a most peculiar way,” telling ground control to tell his wife he loves her and drifting into the abyss,

Or so said the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, after getting his arms cut off and blood was squirting everywhere, and that could well have been my motto a couple of weeks ago during morning Mass, as I sat there bleeding uncontrollably, next to the altar, after cutting myself shaving!

But, this wasn't your average garden variety flesh wound, as I am used to (I am what you may call the Edward Scissor hands of shaving!), it wouldn't stop bleeding!

It all started on another whirlw

"The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort.  You were made for greatness."

-- Pope Benedict XVI, considered by many as the greatest theologian of our time and among the greatest theologians in Catholic Church history.  Served as Roman Pontiff from 2005 to 2013, when he surprised the world by announcing his retirement as successor of St. Peter due to health reasons.
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Welcome to Living the Faith on a High Wire...
This blog is basically what the title suggests, my attempts at living the Catholic faith to the best of my abilities.
I write about my struggles as a husband, father, son, brother and Christian man.
From a faith standpoint, I also write about my observations, interests, videos, and things that catch my attention, as well as, celebrities that are trying to live their religious beliefs in the public eye.
I refer to it as life on a high wire because those of us who are trying to live our faith in today's culture are are walking a fine line over a precipice between two worlds; what our faith teaches and we know in our hearts and what the society accepts and expects us to accept.
God, religion and Christianity, especially Catholicism, have been under constant attack and this is my small way of fighting back.
I often use humor and poke fun at myself but am also serious when I have to be.
I'm not an expert or pretend to be. I'm just a lay Catholic who is living and learning, as I go, like many others.
So, feel free to browse, get to know me better and, if you feel compelled, leave a comment...

About Me
About Me
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Born in Oriente, Cuba, raised in Hialeah, Fl and graduated from The U. I’m a husband, father, son and older brother. I was a lapsed Catholic for most of my life until attending a men’s spiritual retreat in April 2006, which totally changed my perspective on life. That weekend, the emptiness I had always tried to fill with the things our culture promises will make us happy (wealth, pleasure, power and honor; St. Thomas Aquinas’ 4 substitutes for God), was filled with the love of God. I have been passionately studying my faith and, hopefully, drawing closer to God ever since. Now, I see my purpose in life is to become a saint and to lead my wife and kids to heaven. It’s not easy! I am no expert by any means. I'm just learning and trying to live my faith to the best of my abilities.
Blog Archive
Books I Have Recently Read...
Books I Have Recently Read...
  • Long Shot by Mike Piazza with Lonnie Wheeler
  • The Protestant's Dilemma by Devin Rose
  • Jacob's Ladder; 10 Steps to Truth by Peter Kreeft
  • Absolute Relativism: The New Dictatorship and What to do About it by Chris Stefanick
  • Special Heart: A Journey of Faith, Hope, Courage and Love by Bret Baier
  • The Church and New Media by Brandon Vogt
  • The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
  • Confessions of a Mega Church Pastor by Allen Hunt
  • The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Be A Man! Becoming The Man God Created You to Be by Fr. Larry Richards
  • Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life by Charles J. Chaput
  • Raising Good Kids Back to Family Basics by Ray Guarendi
  • The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton
  • The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming by Henri J. M. Nouwen
  • How Firm a Foundation by Marcus Grodi
  • First Comes Love: Finding Your Family in the Church and the Trinity by Scott Hahn
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