More Catholic Than the Pope?...
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," begins the Charles Dickens' classic, A Tale of Two Cities, and that may be the way many Catholic faithful are feeling during the past several weeks, as they try to asses recent media reports, suggesting Pope Francis is softening the Church's moral stance on marriage, divorce, sexuality and abortion.
In case you missed it, during an extensive three-meeting interview and consequent ten thousand word essay by Fr. Antonio Spadaro in La Civilta Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit journal, on Pope Francis the man, the Pontiff was quoted as saying, "We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptives methods. This is not possible.
In case you missed it, during an extensive three-meeting interview and consequent ten thousand word essay by Fr. Antonio Spadaro in La Civilta Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit journal, on Pope Francis the man, the Pontiff was quoted as saying, "We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptives methods. This is not possible.