Farewell to a Living Saint; Cuban Bishop Agustin Roman...
They say the true measure of a Christian is that when you look at them, you don't see the person, you see Jesus Christ.
That is what was said about Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Bl. Pope John Paul II and, at least to me, that is what I felt the few times I was in the presence of Miami Auxiliary Bishop Agustin Roman.
The beloved Bishop and spiritual leader of the Cuban exile community, who was the driving force in the construction of Our Lady of Charity Shrine, aka La Ermita de la Caridad, named for the patron saint of Cuba, which became the spiritual hub of the exile and later other Latin American communities, suffered a fatal heart attack Wednesday night.
That is what was said about Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Bl. Pope John Paul II and, at least to me, that is what I felt the few times I was in the presence of Miami Auxiliary Bishop Agustin Roman.
The beloved Bishop and spiritual leader of the Cuban exile community, who was the driving force in the construction of Our Lady of Charity Shrine, aka La Ermita de la Caridad, named for the patron saint of Cuba, which became the spiritual hub of the exile and later other Latin American communities, suffered a fatal heart attack Wednesday night.