Back to School and Back to Normalcy...
It has been a wonderful summer for my family.
In June, we took an amazing road trip to North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee and stopped at a resort near Jacksonville on our way back. In July, we went to my wife’s family’s yearly vacation to Sanibel Island, and, in early August, I had a brief chance to see my cousins, whom I had not seen in several years.
However, as much as I enjoyed our summer break, there is nothing better then getting back to a normal school year routine.
I imagine summer time for many parents is like, what I’ve heard, boat ownership is like. They say that the best days in a boater's life are the day they buy the boat and the day they sell it.
In June, we took an amazing road trip to North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee and stopped at a resort near Jacksonville on our way back. In July, we went to my wife’s family’s yearly vacation to Sanibel Island, and, in early August, I had a brief chance to see my cousins, whom I had not seen in several years.
However, as much as I enjoyed our summer break, there is nothing better then getting back to a normal school year routine.
I imagine summer time for many parents is like, what I’ve heard, boat ownership is like. They say that the best days in a boater's life are the day they buy the boat and the day they sell it.