The Priest who Loved the Atheist...
I wouldn't think a priest could be a fan of a notorious and controversial atheist, but that appears to be the case with Word on Fire's Fr. Robert Barron and well-known atheist author, columnist, and speaker Christopher Hitchens, of God is Not Great fame.
Hitchens died earlier this month at age 62, after a battle with esophageal cancer (see here and here).
As a matter of fact, when I posted that Hitchens had died on my Facebook page, a good friend and fellow blogger commented that he hoped that Mother Teresa would get a one-day furlough from heaven to go down to kick his defamatory butt (to use a milder term).
That's the kind of response that Hitchens' death probably invoked from many theists who knew him, except maybe Fr.
Hitchens died earlier this month at age 62, after a battle with esophageal cancer (see here and here).
As a matter of fact, when I posted that Hitchens had died on my Facebook page, a good friend and fellow blogger commented that he hoped that Mother Teresa would get a one-day furlough from heaven to go down to kick his defamatory butt (to use a milder term).
That's the kind of response that Hitchens' death probably invoked from many theists who knew him, except maybe Fr.